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Hello Saito-san. Allowing me to post on this slightly older article, after reading many of your reports, and finding myself curious about certain places, I'd like to confirm with you that I am indeed visiting Tempura Naruse, with a reservation in the near future. Very happy about this. I will also attempt to fit in a visit to Sumibiyaki Unagi Shun, per localtaste's recommendation, if I can mange to.

As this is my first time in Shizuoka, I would also like to take the opportunity to do certain things now, not knowing the next time I might get the chance to return. For instance...
-Knowing the region is the most famous for tea in Japan, is there a place you might recommend me go, to enjoy tea service/ceremony to its fullest? I am also considering visiting a tea field.
-I am trying to find places (towns) I might be able to enjoy a breathtaking view of Mt. Fuji. Perhaps, while relaxing with some snacks at a cafe with a view.
-And if @ChuToroZuke reads this, I am interested in procuring a bottle of the highest level Isojiman sake. Since I'll be here, thought I might as well try.

Thank you all once again.

大约 5 年 ago 1582526074

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Leo Saito

chief editor, TokyoTableTrip

Let me introduce you to the secret tempura restaurant that has become a big topic among foodies in Tokyo right now.
I also visited them just the other day and was very impressed by their brilliance.

接近 8 年 ago 1495662725

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