Hashiguchi is one of the best sushi experience I have had. He’s definitely one of the great masters. His nigiri looks deceptively simple while being so delicious. No bell and whistle nor LV case.
Thank you for making Hashiguchi accessible to the foreign visitors.
Will be happy to report back - booking was definitely straightforward as I was able to reserve through pocket concierge. We booked a dinner seating so may be a bit of a different experience from you and Daniel but I'm looking forward to trying it.
@Wanderlusting that’s what I did last week. Told him I would like to order a few otsumami okonomi and then nigiri set. A good way to go but that’s when I noticed Shirako being served and not on the board. Didn’t inquire if I can have it though
I am keen to try Ichimatsu but Omakase only allows a booking of minimum 2 ppl for the dates I will be in Osaka (eating solo because wife doesnt eat offals)
I will try to check again closer to my visit as sometimes odd numbers bookings will result in single seat available
in the mean time, has anyone been to Yakitori Matsuri and if it's any good ? I read it's a sister shop of Ichimatsu (solo booking is possible)
I just found out the pork is called six white due to the six white markings on their four limbs, snout and tail.
On Friday, Keita is selling minced pork cutlet only, no Tonkatsu. Some people saw lots of available slots on Fri and booked without checking. So please re-check the booking form before you book in case Keita changes their schedule.
Thank you for reading my article. Hope it's helpful.